AI-based Virtual Race Engineer for Sim Racing

We are probably living one of the best times of SimRacing where the community continues to surprise us day after day with new improvements and utilities of all kinds to make our life much easier.

Therefore, today we bring you a new tool for all strategy lovers. The tool is named, AI-based Virtual Race Engineer, a software package for racing teams and a multitude of simulators, which also includes a chat bot as an AI-based race engineer with voice dialogue capability, to control a pit stop without any user interaction, for example with the iRacing Black Box.

In addition to the race engineer, the software comes with full support for controlling all aspects of racing with fully configurable and automated management of the control devices.

Of course, this little package is open source and is still under full development by the community. Thanks to Oliver Juwig for spreading the word.

The project can be found at the following link with all the documentation.

See you on the track!

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