Coach Dave Academy Launches Delta Data

coach dave academy delta data

David Perel’s software and academy continue to evolve. Initially, we had a real-time engineer, and now we have a comprehensive telemetry tool that can assist us in every session.

Now, with this tool, you can analyze all your own racing data, compare your data with our factory drivers’ data to help improve your lap times, and even share your data with other Delta users. Here’s what you get:

Adaptive Zoom Analysis with Track Map

See exactly where you’re losing time on the track with our new track map view. The track map will display your position on the track while reviewing telemetry data so you can clearly see how the telemetry graphs relate to your position on the track.

The track map can even focus on specific sectors or corners if you want to delve deeper into your driving data. Simply right or left-click your mouse and drag it over a specific corner to focus on that area, and when you’re done, simply zoom out to reveal the entire lap again.

Sector Breakdowns

With a single click of the mouse, you can quickly select all the sectors of the track without guessing where a sector begins and ends, thanks to the sector table on the right-hand side. This will highlight each sector on the track map and delve into the telemetry, allowing for a closer look compared to a full lap.

Delta Reference Graph

By comparing a reference lap with your base lap time, you can track your delta in real-time. The “Delta” graph shows the time gained or lost at each point of the lap. It displays the total time difference, or delta, as well as summaries of each telemetry value, including speed, throttle, brake, steering, and gears. This graph makes it easy to see all the values in one place.

And many more features. You can find them all listed below:

  • Sector Breakdowns
  • Speed Reference Graph
  • Throttle Graph
  • Brake Graph
  • Steering Input Graph
  • Gear Selection Graph
  • Fuel Consumption Graph
  • Tire Temperature and Pressure Graphs

All in Real Time

However, the standout feature of this new update is the entirely unique real-time processing capability. See your driving in real-time within Delta Data! When you hit the track, Delta becomes a live telemetry tool, showing your throttle, brake, steering, gears, speed, fuel level, as well as your lap and sector times, all in real-time. Put it on a second monitor or tablet, and watch or share your driving data screen as you drive. You don’t need to wait for a session to end to process your telemetry.

All the information about the tool can be found on the official Coach Dave Academy website.

You can access Delta and all these features by clicking here.

Happy racing!

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