Fanatec’s Future Plans Explained

The parent company of Fanatec, Endor AG, has filed for insolvency and wants to explain how they are continuing to operate. This is part of the planned procedures. The appearance of the CSL DD QR2 is also clarified.

First of all, I want to address the concerns that have arisen following our recent declaration of insolvency. Although every possible effort was made to avoid this step, it was necessary at this stage and will allow us to buy time to secure a suitable investor.

It has not been pleasant to share this news with our community and our partners, but we want and need to be as transparent as possible about the current situation. Therefore, we will continue to keep you informed here.

Corsair remains interested in acquiring Endor AG, which shows the strength of our company despite the current challenges and gives us confidence that there may be other investors with high interest.

What does this mean for you? Our daily operations continue as usual. Your consumer warranties remain valid. Our restructuring efforts are progressing well, the R&D department continues to develop new products, and we are excited to talk about some new releases soon. Additionally, work continues on a completely new Fanatec software package.

We recognize that the current speed of customer service responses needs to improve. The department is being strengthened with a new service partner (as mentioned earlier), and the onboarding process was successful; it is finally having a positive impact on our response times, and we expect an even greater impact each week.

We recently launched the updated CSL DD (now default with QR2) in the EU and US regions. The associated ‘Ready2Race’ bundles are being reconfigured and will be back on the site soon. The CSL DD QR2 will be released in other regions later this year.

We are deeply grateful for the many good wishes we have received from the sim racing community and our partners! This means a lot to me and the entire Endor team! Thank you for your patience and continued trust in our brand!

We will see how it all turns out.

See you on the track!

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  1. Fanatec got left in the dust so I doubt they recover, instead of designing new products they blew all their money having a good time. The also shipped the CSL DD with a known defect which was very damaging to the brand, if Corsair ends up with the brand I expect them to change almost everything and reinvent the brand.

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