Force Dynamics 202: A more affordable full motion simulator

force dynamics 202

How many times we have spoken about full motion simulators? Probably none. Most of our readers cannot even dream about them, but they exist. And now we have a more “affordable” approach to these beasts with this development from Force Dynamics.

If you’re not familiar with our 301 and 401cr systems, they’re high end simulators we’ve been making since way back in 2005. They’re awesome, but they’re a little bit on the expensive side, and they can be a pain to move around.

So we made the 202. It’s aimed at people who want as much of the performance of our high-end machines as possible but without some of the space/cost requirements that go with them – something significantly superior in performance to four-post or seat-mover alternatives currently available, but at a comparable or lower price. It’s called the 202, and it has:

  • Ultra-high-performance two axis motion with speed and acceleration significantly superior to alternatives
  • A large range roll axis for cornering simulation (+/- 30+ degrees)
  • A pitch axis that allows for combined delivery of acceleration and vertical suspension cues
  • Transportable through a standard door
  • Heavy duty build quality and commercial-level reliability
  • Onboard display(s) that correctly move with the motion platform rather than remaining static
  • Footprint of around 3 feet wide by 9 feet long (depending on config) with no special ceiling height requirement
  • Pricing ranging from 30k to 45k depending on configuration (displays, PC, audio, etc)

You can see more about the 202 on our website here:

If you want a technical deep-dive, there’s one here:

…and our launch video is here:


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