iRacing: Why Engines Explode in the Pits and How to Prevent It

One common issue that some players encounter is the sudden explosion of their car’s engine while waiting in the pits, leading to costly repair times. But why does this happen, and what can you do to prevent it?

Why Engines Explode in the Pits

The main reason engines in iRacing blow up while idling in the pits is overheating. In real-world motorsport, cars are designed to function efficiently at high speeds, with air flowing over the radiator to keep the engine cool. When a car is stationary, like when it’s sitting in the pits, there’s no airflow to cool the engine, leading to a gradual rise in temperature.

If the engine is left running too long without moving, it can overheat and eventually blow up, much like what happens in iRacing.

Some cars in the simulation, particularly those from the NASCAR and GT3 categories, are especially vulnerable to overheating when left idling.

In iRacing, this is modeled realistically; the damage requires repairs, which can take 40 minutes or more, severely impacting your race. Some players have reported that their engines exploded right before they were scheduled to leave the pits, despite pressing no buttons or taking any actions.

Preventing Engine Explosions in iRacing

The most effective way to prevent an engine explosion during pit stops is to turn off your engine whenever you’re waiting for an extended period of time, especially during long repairs.

Here are a few specific tips to avoid overheating and engine explosions:

  1. Turn off the engine immediately: As soon as you enter the pits for repairs, shut off the engine to prevent overheating.
  2. Exit the car: If you don’t want to bind a key to manually shut off the engine, simply exit the car while it’s being repaired. This will turn off the engine automatically.
  3. Monitor engine temperatures: Keep an eye on oil and water temperatures, which can give you early warning signs of overheating.
  4. Avoid long idle times: Even if you’re just waiting for a few minutes, it’s a good idea to turn off the engine if you’re not moving.

The simple solution is to turn off the engine during long pit stops to prevent overheating and costly repair times. As with many aspects of iRacing, attention to detail is key to success.

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See you on the track!

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