Mastery Every PitStop by Max Benecke

Max Benecke is one of the best-known simRacers on iRacing, and you can compete with him practically every afternoon on iRacing, with some F1 drivers like Verstappen or Norris.

He is also the visible head of the Pure Driving School and he has published some videos  with quite interesting topics. In this video, Benecke, teach us some tricks and how to bend the limits of the simulation to gain advantage in every little aspect of the simulator.

Pit entry speed

The speed entry into the pits is delimited by the cones, but as you will have noticed some time, it is not arbitrarily punishing when entering a little past. There is a margin that goes between 10 and 20% of the top speed of the pit that can be entered in these first meters. It takes a lot of training to know what is the proper speed in each pit and for how many meters it can be maintained, which will be 5 at most.

Pit speed limit

The limiter makes the speed of our car fluctuate between 59 and 60 km / h, one kilometer below the allowed limit that we can reach without using the automatic limiter and taking the speed only with the pedal and our touch. When we overcome the warning, the indicator changes.

Traction and exit of the pit

The output of the pit is similar to what we do when standing still, and therefore we must get the most traction possible by playing with the revolutions and the clutch to rush these valuable hundredths.

Extra: Placing the car in the pit

There is an arbitrary factor about pit stops that is minimized if the placement of the car and the angle of the stop inside the pit is adequate. Trying to stop just with the nose on the lollipop and completely inside the box are two factors that help reduce refueling and stopping time.

See you on the track!

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