Sim Racing Black Friday 2022

We’ll do our best to make this post exceptional. We hope we can do it because managing this sea of information that changes every day is a difficult task. If you are aware of any offers that are not listed here and would like to notify us, please contact us via comments, social media, mail, etc.

Hopefully, we’ll all find something we need at a lower price than usual. Always double-check before purchasing to ensure that prices have not risen in some comparator during these days.


As always there will be things depending on the brands and what they want to do. Here are a few that already have small discounts:



PC Components




We currently have discounts in the DD bases and have yet to announce what their final offers will be.

Here are the expected Fanatec discounts for Black Friday this year. This time, many different products are appealing and should be worth watching for many simRacers out there from November 25th.

These are the offers that will be available on November 25th:


Normally and using our links you get a 3% discount. Depending on the brand you get different discounts. So let’s see how it works out below:

Racing Components

Refurbished packs, updated with analogue clutch levers, etc. No Black Friday promotions announced yet. We will let you know if there is anything new.

Moza Racing

The Chinese brand is releasing offers:

MOZA CS and SR-P at reduced price for a limited time. Order on the official website from 25 to 28 Nov. Save $30 on the CS steering wheel and $20 on the pedals.

SimRacing Pro

The new SRP pedals and any other item in the shop have a 5% discount if you join them with our code: SIMRACER.

Augury Simulations

Augury Pedals 121 are discounted in the Augury Simulations shop:


Still to be defined which products are or are not on offer, but as there is a list we assume there is something in the oven after the launch of their Active Pedal.

Trak Racer

The Australian company has a 15% discount for this BF as well as a raffle with very expensive material. You have the access in the following link:

Custom Cockpits

From the 21st to the 28th of November they are offering a 15% discount on the cockpits they have on their website.

Asetek SimSports

After the avalanche of products they presented a few days ago, on their website you have the conditions for this week in which one order per day at random will be rewarded with a free prize. Even bookings are included in this “raffle”.

For its part, Simufy will be offering Asetek discounts of varying amounts, even on recently launched products.


The Dutch cockpit brand is offering a 10% discount on all products and the chance to win their Porsche RSR replica hoop worth over 2500 euros in a raffle.


Chairs, cockpits and seats in different materials and qualities are available with discounts from 10% to 23%.



They will be from 22nd to 29th November and although there are no fixed candidates for sure we can go straight to the titles that are usually discounted like:


This Black Friday, like in previous years, there are deals for everyone, including new accounts, renewals, and people reclaiming their subscriptions. Customers will have until December 1st to renew or recover their membership savings, while the discount for new users will remain the same as it has always been. We’ve included instructions for each of them in this post.


It’s quite simple for new users. Simply click this link and enter the term of your membership. These are the current pricing, including a 50% discount for new users:

Renewals of active accounts with subscription time remaining are only 25% discount for one or two years. The same is true for accounts that want to return to the service. You must enter one of these codes at the time of purchase for both selections.

  • 1 month: $6.50
  • 3 months: $16.50
  • 1 year: $55.00
  • 2 years $99.50


Only a 25% discount is available for one or two year renewals of active accounts that still have subscription time. The same is true for accounts that want to return to the service. You must enter one of these codes at the time of purchase for both selections.

  • Code For 1 Year: PR-BlackFriday12mE
  • Code For 2 Years: PR-BlackFriday24mE

Remember, you can join iRacing clicking here.

See you on the track!

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