Voice fuel calculator

Raúl Hevia, from SODE Racing Team, has been working lately in a fuel calculator. Nothing new since we have many fuel calculator programs out there, but this is different, because it is a voice calculator with VR users in mind.

As far as I know it is a pain having to put on and take off HMD once, twice and so on. This little program allows to do many racing/fuel operations without the need to take off your device. Some people already tried it with different languages, so you can check it by yourself. Here it is the original announcement.

This could be useful. The main thing is that the control of the calculator is done by voice and the information is also communicated by voice using the ability of Windows to be able to play text-to-speech.

I use Oculus CV1 to control the calculator by voice and to hear the result and it is very useful to me. The calculator recognizes the following commands right now:

Pit Stop: It tells you when you should stop.
Fuel: It tells you the fuel you have to load at the pit stop to continue. Fill tank or the necessary liters to finish the race. Zero liter means you have enough fuel to finish the race.
Average: The fuel average calculated. Taken for the last five laps.
Finish: It tells you the laps that remain until the end. If the race is time limited, it is possible to tell you one more lap because a margin lap is taken into account.
Laps: The laps of fuel.
Sof: The SoF of the room.
Time: Local time.
Change Tires: Mark all tires to change.
Do not change tires: Uncheck all tires to avoid changing in the pit stop.
Refuel [Amount]: Set the fuel for pit stop. You have to say “Refuel”, a small pause, and the “amount” value. Ex: “Refuel .. 20”.
Higher Pressure: Increase the pressure at the next pit stop. One click.
Lower Pressure: Decrease the pressure at the next pit stop. One click.
Automatic fuel yes: When entering the pits the necessary fuel calculated for the pit stop is automatic established.
Automatic fuel no: Removes fuel setting automatically when entering the pits.
Only repair: Uncheck tires, uncheck fuel and mark only “Fast repair” (if we have fastrepair available)
Repeat: Repeat the last speak text.

The following only work if we have the default keys assigned by iRacing:

Pitting in: Pitting in
Pitting out: Pitting out
Thanks: Thanks
Sorry: Sorry!
Left: Pass left
Right: Pass Right
View relative: Shows Relative blackbox
View standings: Shows Standings blackbox
View lap time: Shows lap time blackbox
View Fuel: Shows fuel blackbox
View Tires: Shows tires blackbox
View Tires Information: Shows tires information blackbox

During the pit stop or in the training lap there are no calculations, also, in race when crossing finish line no more information will be collected, so that on the calculator screen we will stay as we were fuel, average, etc. Just at the end of the race. It can be useful if we want to adjust fuel for the next race.

A button / key can be set to activate Voice recognition. In theory it allows the detection of the push of a button of a game device connected by USB. I have a Thrusmaster TX and it is working well, have also tested teammates with Thrusmaster T300 and Logitech G25 / G27. If someone wants to use the calculator and his steering wheel, or another device that he uses, and does not recognize it, he can tell me and I’d send him a program that I have to capture data from the USB and see if it is possible to add that device to make it work.

*** When you set up the steering wheel button if you have a shifter, check that there is no gear engaged, or at the general level that we do not have anything pressed on the steering wheel. Press only the button to configure. In some cases the antivirus software can block access to USB devices ***

With a button or key configured, if Team Speak is used, it can be done in Team Speak when pressing that same button or key to cut the microphone, so if we are in the TS nobody will hear the commands.

On the other hand if you do not configure button or key the recognition will always be activated, if we are alone and we do not talk to anyone and only say commands would go well, but as we speak we can give false positives and recognize any command.

I’ve made a video, I’m not very good at doing this, but I hope it works if someone wants to see a little bit like the calculator. Sorry, it’s in spanish.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPYCxJxacIE]

Team speak configuration sample

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRkdnyNwAXw]

wheels that have been proven to work:

  • Thrusmaster TX
  • Thrusmaster T300
  • Logitech G25
  • Logitech G27
  • Logitech G920
  • Fanatec CSW V1
  • Fanatec Rim Standalone USB Conversion PCB by Leo Bodnar

**** If someone uses it with a steering wheel that is not in the list it would be helpful to tell me, so I’d add it to the list of devices with which it has been tested. And if it does not work I can send a data capture app to try to see the wheel sends and try to add code to work with it. ****

The idea is to add an editor with which you can modify the commands, the text that activates the command and the text that plays the command or the combination of keys pressed.

Download link:

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  1. Hi,

    I’m loving that fuel calculator and was successfully using it with the Thrustmaster T500RS.

    Since I’ve switched to Fanatec CSW V2.5 + Formula Wheel, I cannot assign a key on the Rim to interact with the calculator from within the calculator.

    I would like to assist to make that combination comaptible.

    Feel free to send me the data capture app and I will send you the relevant data in return.


  2. Hi i am just wondering, if this would work with a FANATEC 25.
    i also have from fanatec, the universal hub with the forza motorsport wheel.

  3. i have tested it and it works fine with the fanatec 25 just waiting for my password for this product

  4. Hello,

    My wheel is not recognized by sode :

    csl elite wheel Fanatec.

    If you can do something, it would be very nice.



  5. Bonjour,
    Mon volant csl elite wheel n est pas reconnu par sode.
    Pouvez vous m’envoyer le lien.
    Je vous remercie,


    My steering wheel csl elie wheel is not recognized by sode.
    Can you send me the link.
    Thank you,


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